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David Gregory Meets Sir Ian Botham!

Once again,The David Gregory Charity Singers have been drafted in by numerous Marks & Spencer Store Managers, this time to assist with their fundraising activities throughout March and April on behalf of 'The Prostate Cancer Charity’ and ‘Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research’.

During the course of this, David Gregory was delighted to be invited by Manchester, Reading and Milton Keynes stores to serenade the crowds prior to the start of cricketing legend Sir Ian Botham's 'Forget Me Not' fundraising walk (which kicked off from each store location) on behalf of Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research'.











David Gregory on Harry Hill's TV Burp!

'Lorraine Kelly's Big Fat Challenge' on ITV's 'Harry Hill's TV Burp' featuring David Gregory at the end of the feature winning the coveted accolade of 'Longest Ning of the Week!'






Lorraine Kelly's Big Fat Challenge!

The series finale to 'Lorraine Kelly's Big Fat Challenge' featuring David Gregory being tasked with the job of preparing 'X Factor' reject Emma Chawner for a major public performance in front of 30,000 revellers at the 2009 Leeds Christmas lights switch-on.











Lorraine Kelly's Big Fat Challenge!

A sneak preview of the series finale to 'Lorraine Kelly's Big Fat Challenge' featuring the moment David Gregory got 'the' voice out of 'X Factor' reject Emma Chawner!






Lorraine Kelly's Big Fat Challenge!

David Gregory has just landed a TV role in a new 6-part documentary series as Vocal Coach, Mentor and Motivator to 2007, 2008 and 2009 'X Factor' reject Emma Chawner.

The documentary, commissioned by the Bio Channel and filmed over a 5-month period by Daisybeck Productions, will see Emma and her over-sized family having their lives transformed by a team of experts including Personal Trainers, Nutritionists and Life Coaches.

GMTV's Lorraine Kelly will front the series, which is due to air on both the Bio Channel and Bio HD from 12th January 2010 onwards.

For more information, click here.




David Gregory posing with GMTV's Lorraine Kelly and the X Factor's Emma Chawner.






The X Factor 2009

Former David Gregory Charity Singers 'It Takez 2' aka Katy Cunnion and Russell Quinn have just successfully made it through to the bootcamp stage of the current series of the 'X Factor'.

"I'm absolutely over the moon for Katy and Russell," says David. "Although I have always considered them to be a very entertaining duo, unfortunately, the majority of the stores they went to didn’t and I had to let them go as a result. However, I’m delighted they have managed to get through to the next stage of the X Factor. If they progress further, it’ll certainly be one in the eye for all the stores that had previously rejected them! Fingers crossed!”

To view Katy and Russell's audition, click here.

UPDATE: Unfortunately, Katy and Russell's bid for the 'X Factor' 2009 crown has since come to an end after the duo failed to make it through to the second stage of the bootcamp rounds of the top TV talent show. However, after receiving some excellent exposure on the current series, Katy and Russell may consider a return in 2010.






David Gregory TV News

David Gregory has just been approached by TV Company Love Productions regarding a major project they are currently developing for television. Details of this new show are being kept under wraps, however, should the idea be commissioned, then David will get yet another chance to showcase his unique vocal coaching approach and quick-fix formula on television.

UPDATE: The resulting show 'Sing Your Heart Out' has just been commissioned by Sky Television for transmission later this year (2010) on Sky One and Sky HD. As a result, Love Productions have since launched an appeal for participants.

For further details, click here.






Marks & Spencer's 125th Birthday Charity Challenge!

As part of Marks & Spencer's 125th birthday celebrations this year, the company has pledged to raise £1.25 million in just 125 days for local and regional charities nationwide. As a result, a number of stores have since drafted in the David Gregory Charity Singers to lend a musical hand to the cause including Leeds, Harrogate, Trafford Park, Manchester, Warrington, Southport, Reading, Wimbledon, Ealing Broadway and Chiswick.

Incidentally, whilst performing at Leeds store in aid of their adopted charity, the Sue Ryder Wheatfields Hospice, David had the pleasure of meeting and entertaining Chairman, Sir Stuart Rose and several of his Board of Directors and Retail Leadership Team members. These included Director of Finance and Operations, Ian Dyson, Director of Store Planning and Design, Nayna McIntosh, Director of Retail, Steve Rowe and Head of Customer Service, Jo Moran. Furthermore, upon seeing and hearing David, a delighted Sir Stuart took time to talk to David about his work on behalf of the '125 Charity Challenge' before accepting a copy of David's CD, 'The Collection'. 






Charlie Francis House of Fraser Tour Dates

Oxford Street, London - 3rd & 4th April 2009

Westfield Shopping Centre, London - 11th & 12th April 2009

Deansgate, Manchester - 1st & 2nd May 2009

Briggate, Leeds - 8th & 9th May 2009

Metro Shopping Centre, Gateshead - 16th & 17th May 2009

Meadowhall Shopping Centre, Sheffield - 17th & 18th July 2009

Argyle Street, Glasgow - 24th & 25th July 2009

Princes Street, Edinburgh - 1st & 2nd August 2009

For in-store promotional material, click in-store display and in-store jingle.



Charlie Francis performing as 'The Voice of House of Fraser' at the Gateshead Metro Centre's Summer 2009 Fashion Show.





Charlie Francis - The Voice of House of Fraser!

Following on from a string of high-profile performances at several flagship House of Fraser stores between August and December 2008, our very own 'British Buble' Charlie Francis has just been plucked from obscurity to perform as 'The Voice of House of Fraser' in an unprecedented deal struck between David Gregory and House of Fraser's Brand Director Matt Chambers.

Furthermore, as part of the deal House of Fraser will also be decking Charlie out in their exclusive Kenneth Cole New York menswear range prior to him going on a national tour of their flagship stores from April 3rd.

Finally, Charlie's association with House of Fraser began when he was engaged to perform at a VIP event at their London City store back in August 2008. This was then followed by another engagement to perform alongside Sophie Ellis Bextor at a press launch for two new departments at their flagship store on Oxford Street, and the rest as they say, is history!

For publicity photos, click one, two, three, For press release, click here.





David Gregory back on the Channel M Breakfast Show

Following on from Manchester based Cable & Satellite TV Station, Channel M's viewers' competition to win singing lessons from David, David appeared on the Breakfast Show again (Wednesday 28th January) to meet and hear winner Helen Adams perform a rendition of Duffy's 'Mercy' before discussing how he intends to improve her voice with Presenters Byron Evans and Nikki Dean. Helen will now receive coaching from David before the end result is revealed live on the show in two weeks time.

UPDATE: Unfortunately, Helen failed to make contact with David to arrange some lessons and the project was eventually abandoned as a result.





David Gregory talking to Whisper Magazine's Hugh Evans.




David Gregory in Whisper Magazine

Another article highlighting David's vocal coaching expertise has just been published by online magazine whispermag.co.uk. The article, penned by Journalist Hugh Evans, includes photos and a video of Hugh discovering his performing potential under the guidance of David Gregory.

To read the online article, click here.






David Gregory on the Channel M Breakfast Show

On Thursday 22nd January at 8.15am, David appeared on the Breakfast Show of Manchester based Cable & Satellite TV Channel, Channel M, which broadcasts nationwide on Sky Channel 203, Virgin Media Channel 878 and Terrestrial Channel 39 (Manchester and surrounding Towns only).

Presenters Byron Evans and Nikki Dean quizzed David on his vocal coaching expertise before challenging him to demonstrate his quick-fix formula on Traffic & Travel Presenter, Michelle Eagleton! After rising to the challenge, a viewers' competition to win singing lessons from David was subsequently announced with the winner to be revealed live on the show the following week.






David Gregory in both Living North & Living Hadley Magazines

Another article highlighting David's vocal coaching expertise has just been published in both Living North & Living Hadley Magazines. The article, penned by Shannon Denny delves deep into David's approach to uncover his quick-fix formula for singing success.

To read the article online, click here.







David Gregory in the Sunday Express!

A major two-page article highlighting David's vocal coaching expertise has been published in the 28th December 2008 edition of national newspaper, The Sunday Express. The article (including photos) is a detailed account of Features Writer Jane Clinton's journey in discovering her voice in less than 10 minutes under the guidance of David Gregory.





David Gregory in the Sunday Express. Click on the above thumbnails for the full size article.


Charlie Francis entertaining the crowds from the window of House of Fraser's flagship store on Oxford Street.



Charlie Francis Stops Oxford Street!

On Thursday 23rd October and Friday 24th October, 'King of Swing' Charlie Francis performed to massive crowds direct from the window of House of Fraser's flagship store on Oxford Street.

The sound was piped both inside and outside the store, and on a number of occasions, the crowds got so large that even the traffic itself ground to a halt! House of Fraser's C.E.O., John King, was on hand to witness the spectacle, citing it as being “absolutely brilliant!” The store also reported a large increase in sales, with one department, Estee Lauder, reporting a staggering 300% increase!

As a result, Charlie will be repeating his performance on 12th November for the switch-on of Oxford Street's famous Christmas Lights, alongside the Sugababes (who will be pushing the magic button), the remaining 'X Factor' finalists and the cast of the hit West End show 'Mamma Mia'. Hosting the event will be London's Heart 106.2FM Presenters Jamie Theakston and Harriet Scott.






The X Factor 2008

David Gregory is championing former pupil and 'X Factor' Contestant, Austin Drage, who has successfully made it through Boot Camp to the live shows. Austin is in the boys category along with Scott Bruton and Eoghan Quigg, and is being mentored by Music Mogul Simon Cowell.

David has also been giving a number of interviews about his former association with the 'X Factor' finalist to various BBC Local Radio Stations including BBC Three Counties Radio, BBC Radio Oxford, BBC Radio Essex, BBC Radio Somerset and BBC Radio Solent. Press includes the News of the World (click here), Digital Spy and the Dunstable Gazette.






David Gregory on Chiltern Radio

Recently, David appeared on Chiltern Radio's Breakfast Show and was interviewed by Presenters Gaz & Babs before being tasked with teaching Gaz to sing 'O Sole Mio' from scratch in one hour!

To hear a teaser from the show, click here.


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